PCB Prototype the Easy Way

Full feature custom PCB prototype service.

Comment pouvons- nous vous aider?

Couches de PCB

In PCB manufacturing, the term "PCB layers" typically refers to the number of copper layers. For example, if there is only one copper layer, it is referred to as a 1 layer PCB, and if there are two copper layers, it is called a 2 layers PCB.

PCBWay can currently produce up to 60 layers, if you need more than 14 layers, please select the advanced PCB page for valuation.

Common EQ About PCB Layers

Please clarify 1-layer or 2-layer

No layer orders for multi layers boards

The layer order information you filled online does not match the name suffix in gerber file

Dernière mise à jour le 03/05/2024
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