Raspberry Pi Pico i2c devices with CircuitPython

I have several i2c devices which I use on the Raspberry Pi computers and program then in Python. Now I have a Raspberry Pi Pico RP2040 microcontroller board, I wanted to try my i2c devices out on the ...

Pico i2c CircuitPython Raspberry Pi ToF VL53L0X

Arduino- and CircuitPython-compatible ESP32-S2 dev board --- MorphESP 240

Want an affordable, versatile, fully-integrated platform for learn, experiment or create?Morpheans has designed the ESP32-S2 dev board --MorphESP 240, which is fully compatible with both Arduino and C...

Arduino CircuitPython ESP32-S2 MorphESP 240

CircuitPython-compatible & Bluetooth-enabled STEM Electronics Kits --- ScoutMakes

ScoutMakes is an open source, circuitPython-compatible and bluetooth-enabled STEM electronics kits. The whole kits are all certified open hardware and all source files are available on GitHub. Th...

ScoutMakes CircuitPython Bluetooth STEM Electronics Kits radio robot

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