All Categories

3D Printing

The content of 3D printing can come from 3D models or other electronic data, and the 3D objects printed by it can have any shape and geometric features.
670 Projects |
9,466 Source Files


Arduino is an open source embedded hardware platform for users to make interactive embedded projects.
3,331 Projects |
56,814 Source Files


Build better audio equipments.
1,394 Projects |
37,023 Source Files


Discover IoT automative solutions for self-driving cars, electric vehicles and more!
439 Projects |
3,540 Source Files


Light control,LEDs and more on.
350 Projects |
3,469 Source Files

Breakout Board Projects

Breakout boards take small sensors, chips and components and make them easy to use with your Raspberry Pi, Metro, Feather, Arduino or whatever platform you like most!
1,080 Projects |
11,046 Source Files


Electronic calculator is a small hand-held or desktop device used to complete mathematical calculations.
33 Projects |
442 Source Files


Photographic equipment is a general term for cameras and their related accessories, various equipment and articles related to photographic activities.
64 Projects |
162 Source Files


Clocks, all timing devices can be called timing instruments. The clock is one of the earliest objects invented by human beings.
218 Projects |
4,263 Source Files


CNC machining is an efficient automatic machine tool, which consists of mechanical equipment and numerical control system, and is used to process workpieces with complex shapes.
146 Projects |
1,264 Source Files
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