PCB Prototype the Easy Way

Full feature custom PCB prototype service.

Comment pouvons- nous vous aider?

PCB file you uploaded seems the production file, not the original PCB file

Reason of Failed Review:

File you uploaded is not the original file, different factories have different manufacturing rules and engineers do different compensation to design .In order to get vias, copper traces and pads, etc, made with correct size you require, original PCB file is good for production.


Please upload original PCB file, if you really want us to make according to production file from another factory, please also include the original PCB file, so that we can modify the production file according to the original file. 

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Vous pouvez télécharger un seul fichier au total. Chaque fichier ne peut pas dépasser 2 Mo. Nous acceptons JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP
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