PCB Prototype the Easy Way

Full feature custom PCB prototype service.

Comment pouvons- nous vous aider?

What are the requests on pcb for assembly by machine?

If Pcb quantity is more than 20pcs, and single pcb size is less than 50*50mm, then we suggest do panel for pcbs to facilitate assembly;

Max panel size should be less than 460mm(length)*320mm(width);

If there is component that closes to the pcb edges with less than 3mm spacing, please add the edge rails more than 3mm.

For single pcb, if total soldering points are more than 200 or pcb size is more than 150*150mm, it’s Ok to make the assembly on the single pcbs directly.

Please add fiducial marks on panel and single pcb, then it’s easy to fix the accuracy by machine.

Dernière mise à jour le 12/05/2020
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