PCB Prototype the Easy Way

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Why does a paid order have "Awaiting Payment" "Pending" status in Paypal?

Generally, PayPal orders may have Awaiting Payment status for several reasons:

1. An eCheck that has not cleared is the most frequent cause of a pending payment. This often resolves itself when the eCheck clears (usually 3-5 days).

2. The customer did not provide a confirmed shipping address and your Payment Receiving Preferences requires you to manually accept or deny these payments. To change this preference, go to the Preferences section of your Profile in PayPal.

3. The payment is pending because you hold a non-U.S. account and do not have a withdrawal mechanism. You must manually accept or deny this payment from Account Overview in your PayPal account.

4. You do not have a balance in the currency sent, and you do not have your Payment Receiving Preferences set to automatically convert and accept such payments. You must manually accept or deny this payment.

5. The payment is pending while PayPal reviews it for risk.

6. The payment is pending because you must upgrade your account with PayPal. The Business or Premier plans allow you to accept credit cards and increase the monthly limit for transactions on your account.

7. The payment is pending because you have not been verified yet. After verifying your account with PayPal, you will be able to accept this payment.

The Credit Card Via Paypal payment is pending because it was PayPal reviews it for risk. status is pending:The funds for this captured payment was not yet credited to the payee's PayPal account. The captured payment is pending manual review. For more information, see https://developer.paypal.com/docs/api/orders/v2/

Dernière mise à jour le 26/05/2023
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