PCB Prototype the Easy Way

Full feature custom PCB prototype service.

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I am having trouble opening a dispute. What should I do?

I am having trouble opening a dispute. What should I do?

If you have difficulties opening a dispute, please check the below possible reasons:

1. There are errors in the dispute form

The dispute form only supports English characters. Please remove any non-English characters and punctuation in the form.

2. The form includes an unsupported file type

Supported file types that can be added in the dispute form include: .jpg, .jpeg, .bmp, .gif, and .png. Each document should be less than 2MB. Please note that word documents, excel sheets and other file types are not supported.

If you have already added an attachment but still receive a “Please add attachments” notification, please compress the picture and upload it again.

Dernière mise à jour le 07/06/2018
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Les informations complémentaires sont données à titre indicatif et ne sont pas liéescontractuellement aux opérations commerciales. Si vous avez une question urgente ou un problème lié à votre commande, veuillez contacter votre représentant commercial.
Vous pouvez télécharger un seul fichier au total. Chaque fichier ne peut pas dépasser 2 Mo. Nous acceptons JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP
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